Departments & Ministries
At Croydon Tabernacle, we have a variety of Ministries and Departments. If you are committed Christian and feel led to be a member of our church, why not prayerfully consider the part you could play in serving our members and our surrounding community
Contact our office if you would like to join one of our departments or ministries. Also; why not spend a couple of minutes reading about our various ministries below.
Arts & Co.
Branch of Jesse (Worship Ministry)
The Branch of Jesse (BOJ) is the music ministry at Croydon Tabernacle, with spirit-filled individuals who are committed to declaring the worship of Almighty God to all.They have been given the mandate to minister to God and his people with their talents and skills, via their voice and on their musical instruments.
Branch Of Jesse recently embarked on a flagship Project – “Project BOJ” – A night of praise of worship with the theme “God Great God”. This was held Saturday 8th September 2012 and testimonies still abound on the experience of God’s glory on its fullness.
Children's Church
Childhood is a time of incredibly rapid learning, vivid imagination and intrigue about life.This is why we teach children about God and guiding their curiosity in the right direction. This is done in an exciting, loving and friendly manner involving music, drama, memorising Biblical verses and competitions.We strive to use our teaching style as a tool of motivation and discovering talents among the children. Children Sunday School Unit.
This unit is responsible for teaching and training children in the church. For more information about the unit and if you would like to join, please download the Guidelines for the Children Sunday School Unit.
Church Upkeep
Counselling & Welfare
One of our goals is to always empower and encourage all members in the Christian walk and to provide counselling in dealing with all issues of life
Daniel Generation
The role of men in the body of Christ and the family is not only crucial but their leadership is critical to both. The Daniel Generation aims to develop the men in line with Daniel’s leadership, thirst for God and His will, being used as a man of influence in the Kingdom of God.
Prayer meetings are held once a month.
The role of women in the family, the ministry and the community has been crucial to the success of these units through the ages. At Croydon Tabernacle, we aim to build our women to be strong prayer warriors and passionate about their family, career and surroundings.
Monthly women’s prayer meetings are held to harness the power of God to pull down strongholds of sorrow, oppression and pain. Calendar events are organised to develop our God-given potential and gifting to ensure a balanced and prosperous lifestyle
House Fellowship
CT@Home is the name for the house fellowship groups at Croydon Tabernacle, which meets every forthnight on Tuesday evenings. The house fellowship groups are where every member of the church can be reached and catered for personally. It is easier for a church to touch lives of its members in a practical way via small groups like the house fellowship than in a large gathering. House fellowships are a place of comfort, sharing, caring, provision, building friendships, building faith, support and companionship.
Some benefits of joining a house fellowship group include:
- You will begin to really feel like part of God’s family
- You will receive customized care
- You will not have to go through struggles alone
- You will have another forum to share Christ with friends, neighbours and work associates
- You can begin to understand the Bible better in a house fellowship group
We hope to see you and your family at a group soon. For more information about CT@Home Groups, please contact the Church Office
Media, Sound & Technical
Outreach, Heart of Compassion & Prisons
This is a reach out medium to assist the needy and give a hand to help provide essentials, such as food, clothing and rest on the early hours of every Sunday. This is then followed up with a church service of praise and worship and a sermon by the Pastor. The doors of The Heart of Compassion is open to all and sundry during the hours of 08:00am – 09:00am every Sunday.
Prayer Ministry
The prayer ministry is the spiritual engine of the church – worship, intercession and petitioning.
The Prayer Team of the Church is known as the Gatekeepers. Their meetings are held on Tuesdays and prayer requests should be submitted to the Team Leader, via the church Office. Their mission is to support brethren through challenges and to build their trust in God, through answered prayers. Testimonies abound continually from the prayers offered.
Teaching & New Converts
Flames of Fire
Flames of Fire is the Singles ministry which seeks to facilitate an enjoyable and godly lifestyle for the singles of the Church. It creates an avenue for all singles to come together to have fun, explore the Word of God and enjoy life to the maximum in God’s intended way before moving on to the next level in life.
It focuses on preparing singles for the challenges and realities of marriage with foundations on the principles in the Word of God. It also concentrates on character building, career building and mentoring. Singles organise different events and group activities tailored to providing the Christian singles a lifestyle that is pleasing in the eyes of our Lord Jesus. For more information please contact the Church Office
Welcome & Visitation
Youth Church
The youths at Croydon Tabernacle are a bunch of young, fun-loving Christians.
Through various fun-packed activities such as ice-skating, ten-pin bowling, football, theme park visits and going to the movies, the youngsters have broken barriers of stereotypes and reached fellow youth with Christ’s love.
During their meetings, they discuss such issues as relationships, AIDS, and Halloween, which have an impact on society. Many have discovered talents in poetry, music, drama, dance, fashion, sports and more! The Croydon Tabernacle Junior Church is concerned with helping to shape a new generation